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FBT Speakers


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Welcome to the BR. What sort of application do you want speakers for?


I have four of the Verve 12 standard (not the wedges) and they're superb. I bought them to replace Behringer 1220s and the difference is staggering. I've driven them hard from an RA3001 (625W/ch) at disco events in hotels and they've remained clean-sounding at uncomfortably high levels - probably because the amps weren't driven into clipping. Four will do mobile disco work perfectly providing you have a decent amp, subs, and you know what you're doing.


What's most noticeable and good (for my usual type of work), is how natural voices sound. For corporate AV or small theatre I reckon you'd have to spend a lot more to gain a significant improvement in definition and general sweetness. For rock & roll in pubs where they're going to get a proper beasting, I'd go with the 152 (2" HF driver).


Best of all is they're LIGHT - just 16kg for the 12" box!


Any help?



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hi Pete


just the reply I was hoping for.


I am also going to be using them for disco work, I purchased the verve 15" sub unfortunately not for it's sound specs/performance but on it's size and weight (not complaining very good performance). I currently use a couple of OHM RW2's and have done for a few years but since the change to 15S sub they do struggle a little. if I remember rightly the C/Audio RA3001 was about 400W@8ohm so wont have to spent money upgrading my amp :) .


thanks for reply


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