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Strand 300 Panel Failure


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I have a Strand 300 with running OS 2.6 that fails to recognise the console panel. I have erased and reinstalled the software in DOS and swapped the RJ45 cable for one that is proved working but the panel just displays 'Jul 13 2000' (not the system time) and 'Panel Id: 1D-01-90-1F'. I have tried the cable in different S-Bus sockets on the rear of the processor, both sockets on the panel and with or without the little plug (I assume it is a terminator of some sort).


I can use the keyboard to navigate through the menu system, and it looks like the processor can't see the panel. Anybody got any suggestions for further fault finding or fixes before I give in?





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Have a look at the c:\220os\220node.cfg file using a text editor.


At the end of the file you have the option to manually enter the (8 digit hex) address(es) of the panels attached.

I have gone into this file and changed panelid-1cc (assuming this is the control surface) to the relevant hex address and restarted the OS. Took quite a while to load but still no panel response or display. 1 panel showed in the system report page.


Anyone any further suggestions?



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This happened to one I was using recently, I did a 220clean and it solved it. But you've reinstalled the software so I'm guessing that would take care of that...


Sorry, not much help I guess!

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