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Open Days - What to look for?

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Hi, I'm hoping to train in Stage Management and Technical Theatre (starting from Sept/Oct 2008) and have just started booking open days. I have my first open day at RWCMD in a month and wanted to get advice on what I should be looking for (in terms of equipment/facilities etc) and important questions to ask.


All my backstage experience is centred around stage management (my main interest) and set design which means that I'm slightly clueless when it comes to lighting and sound. The most experience I have is operating a follow spot, so I don't really know what to look for in terms of sound/lighting equipment and facilities.


I've had a word with my Drama teacher but she's just given me very general questions to ask as she's more interested in the actors on our course.


Could anyone offer any advice please?




P.s. I'm also reading up on sound and lighting to gain some more knowledge but any help would be greatly appreciated

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Read the info on the Blue Room wiki here which has some general info about training & colleges.


But in general I would say that the main thing you are looking for is "will I be happy here for 2 or 3 years?"

How friendly do you find everyone?

Do you like the college and the area/town it is based in?

What is their graduate employment rate?


The amount of lighting/sound equipment isn't necessarily the be all and end all of a good college course .... especially if you prefer stage management work anyway!


In other words - will you enjoy your training and will you get a job at the end of it?

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