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Outdoor Fogger


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I was wondering if anyone knows where I could hire a smoke machine suitable for use outdoors on a stage - mebe the Jem Roadie X-Stream? has anyone used one on an outdoors stage - did it work OK or was the smoke quickly 'blow away'? it would be used to enhance lighting effects etc. thanks
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If you have a 10 kph wind and a 10m wide stage, the sums are quite easy to do, and the result pretty grim.


Back to reality - the main snag with smoke outside is the unpredictability of wind speed and direction. A great effect one day might simply be total rubbish the next.


If you have a 10 kph wind and a 10m wide stage, the sums are quite easy to do, and the result pretty grim.


Back to reality - the main snag with smoke outside is the unpredictability of wind speed and direction. A great effect one day might simply be total rubbish the next.

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As Paulears says it depends entirely on wind conditions, it would therefore be very unwise to design a show that will not work without the smoke/haze. Having said that the stage in question is quite enclosed so you should therefore be able to get a usable fog density with slight breeze. I have used X-Streams indoors before and do like them a lot however you may want to think about hiring two (possibly smaller/cheeper if you must) machines so as to get better fog distribution.
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