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Video onto drapes


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Hi guys,


Just a quick one, but is it possible to project an image onto white legs from the same projector, but not to project anywhere else on stage. Ie using the legs as screens but only one projector?


Any advice much apprecciatted?!



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you could use a video masque - done in your editor or after effects, however, the black area still gets projected as a dark grey - visible in blackouts. Other than that, you can physically mask out the projector, but to get sharp edges, the mask has to be further away from the lense. The unwanted portion still needs masking in the video as otherwise it bounces back to the lense, softening the image and creating loads of spill
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I attempted to do something like this a while back on a fairly limited budget so there might be newer/better projectors/software that might be able to it.


What I ended up doing was using a powerpoint show with the missing areas blacked out. It was a pain if you wanted anything actively moving and focusing took hours as I had to manually adjust each slide. Also there is the problem of projector black which is a dark shade of grey which in very dark scenes/ black outs lights up everything. Also unless you can cover the front of the projector you will have the greyness there for the entire show.

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it depends firstly on if your projector could cope, you have to imagine that your projected image will be at least as tall as your legs, and at least as wide as the outer edges of your legs, so if you think the majority of projectors have a native 4:3 ratio output depending on the dimensions involved you are looking at quite a big image that poses issues when it comes to brightness and throw distance.


Those issues aside the source of the images would dictate how best to manipulate them so that you only project onto the legs, if they are stills, or power point you could arrange the images onto a black background so that you don't get much spill on the stage, or if you are using video then you could use a vision mixer capable of a split wipe with a black matt to the keep the stage dark.


Please let us know more specifics and we might be able to help further.





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Something I forgot to mention that you probaly take for granted is to make sure that your legs are tight otherwise it will look really naff. Also if your legs are at different angles it becomes a pain.
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an easy(ish) way to do the central blackout would be to route everything through a cheap video mixer. My panasonic MX-10 was 50 quid off ebay and ought to be able to do the job.


You'll probably find a wipe pattern that'll let you black out the centre portion of the output, creating a mask with basically no preparation and that you can adjust in size on the day.

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