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M7CL Focus Function


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Hi, all. I have a question on the M7CL's Focus Function for scene recall. I understand that you can select to recall only certain parameters in a cue, for example the rack or head amp etc...


Is it possible to do this on a channel by channel basis so I can recall different orchestra and band setups without affecting the fader positions for the vocals. The faders do need to be recalled in some cues so using the recall safe wont really work.


Any Advice is much appreciated!



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You can recall safe either all the sections or certain sections of a channel individually, though this is globally against all scenes not against specific scenes.


If you haven't already done so, download the Studio Manager software and M7CL editor from the Yamaha website and have a play.




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Unfortunately it appears that you are out of luck. Recall safe lets you specify channels to be effected, but is global across all scenes. Focus lets you specify what gets recalled in each scene, but is global across all channels. Yet another differentiator with PM5D, which has Selective Recall, which lets you specify by scene and channel.



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Pants. I have the offline software and had a play with the desk at PLASA this year. I guessed that this was the case but I just wanted to confirm. Shame I dont have the money for a 5D!


Oh well. Thank you anyway guys. :santa:



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