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Jon T

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You've only just heard about it? Where have you been for the last few months? ;)


It's not exactly the same shell as the Mac2k - the 550 is physically smaller. It's a pretty good unit, now that the software glitches are sorted. It's nice and pokey, and it has some really nice animation effects. But if you put too much in the beam at once (e.g. a colour, a gobo and the animation wheel) it does tend to suck the light out of the beam. And it allows 16-bit control of almost every parameter on the fixture, not just pan and tilt.

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same body shell as the 2000 but not as feautres

Thats not correct. Its more like a shrunk down Mac2000 performance. Has two fixed colour wheels, two rotating gobo wheels, gobo animation wheel, prism, iris and remote focus. They're pretty bright, but have a few bugs at the moment. I expect these will be resolved fairly quickly though.

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They certainly do look good - personally I think the 12/24 (or there abouts) Zoom and the Animation Wheels are the best features on them! Can't wait to have a play with them...



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well, I heard, from my reliable source (has been in the past) that the 2000's had 2 bulbs in them, though I have never actually got around to checking that fact on the martin website :rolleyes:
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You've been mightily led down the proverbial garden path there Matt. As far as I'm aware (and I've serviced a fair few 2000s) there is only one lamp. What is different is that they're the double ended lamps similar to those found in a Coda, rather than a single lampbase as with the Mac 500s.
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double ended, I think that was the one, a bit of a weird one on my case then... thanks for pointed that out, at least here you can see me feeling like a right idiot...
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