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Strand MX fader fault


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We have a 24-channel MX desk and the 'D' cross-fader has gone faulty in that it doesn't always make a good connexion at the top of its travel. I haven't opened it up yet but wondered if anyone else has looked at replacing an individual fader? (I am a qualified electronics engineer and have been maintaining dimmer packs, etc, for years.)


Any advice gratefully received.

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I think the LX, MX, GSX, LBX and all small Strand desks of that vintage use the same kind of fader - which, Strand being Strand, is a pretty obscure Alps linear pot. I replaced one on an old LX manual desk a while ago - will have a look when I get into work tomorrow to see if I can find a note of what I replaced it with. Fairly sure it came from Farnell, though ...
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We have them from stock, please email or PM me for more details.



Thanks, Mark. I was going to call in on you but (a) didn't know you were lurking here, and (b) I wanted to check if anyone else had carried out this type of repair before me.


I'll try and see you tomorrow, and I'll report back here in due course with the result of the repair, for anyone else interested.

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OK, job done. It took only 30 minutes to replace both 'C' and 'D' faders. Cause of failure was fracturing of finger springs on the sliders, compounded by the broken bits lying around on the resistive track. The old faders have to be carefully deconstructed to remove them from the PCB without lifting the pads, and a solder pump is essential. The microcontroller is an 82C79 so normal ESD precautions required. Definitely not a job for anyone not familiar with PCB work.


Thanks to Mark for sourcing the pots, and to everyone who made suggestions.

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