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AmDJ 150 Color Changers - FAN


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Ok, I've got a few American DJ Color 150 changers and I've got an odd question. See, the fan noise drives me nuts (I'm used to nice quiet par fixtures). Now, I KNOW that the fans are necessary to keep the lights from melting or self-destructing - the question is, HOW necessary? Anyone ever have a fan blow on one of these but still ran the light? How long til it died? Could I get away with disconnecting the fan and just running the lights sparingly (say, on for 3 or 4 minutes at a time then cooling down for 10 minutes or so, then repeat)? How far could I push it; what's the safety margin? Can't ask AmDJ cause they would of course say absolutely don't do it (which may or may not be the correct answer). Thanks for any feedback from y'all, d.
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The fan is there for a reason. Hot lamp producing heat in an area where too much heat is damaging.


Also, as a side note, surely it would be more annoying to be turning off fixtures every so often to let them cool down! :o


Where are you using them? In a disco, I would hope that you couldn't hear the fan noise cause of the music! :angry:

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If you wonder into the world of google you will find forums devoted to fans, usually run by computer enthusiasts. Options include swapping the fan for a quieter model, using a variable speed control circuit, using two fans at a lower speed etc.


There is no simple fix, you will need to do some work. A thermostats may offer the easiest solution.


The dichroics are probably what are most susceptible to damaged caused by excessive heat.

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Like Dom said, it worth seeing if you can swap the fan out. On most budget fixtures they tend to use crap fans, and they make a hell of a lot of noise. No doubt you can get a much better one for a bit of cash spend !!


Unfortunately I know nothing more..........

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