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DMX control from a PC (again?)


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Sounds it technoMonkey, and also having seen cost of the martin interfaces I've been put off! I downloaded LJtouch but not had much time to play with it.


Re: sunlite by ryger, I'm downloading a demo to give it a whirl, but I have to eat and shower and be at work in 3hrs so not sure how long I can spend with it.


In fact I won't really be able to sort this out till mid next week cos I have a bad exam that I'm in danger of failing and all this interesting stuff has distracted me from revision. Lack of time this weekend is girlfriends fault though tsk.



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I've had ago at making a PC/DMX interface, for 20 quid. It worked quite well generally, though was very basic. I'm now working on a USB version with better isolation (up to 1000V), though again is a matter of time. Hopefully it would be makeable for £60 or so.
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  • 2 years later...

Thought I would try and use an existing topic, save starting a new one.

Do these PC based lighting programs have effects generators in them, for moving lights etc? What is there moving light capability's? How would you control Pan and Tilt (mouse, arrow keys, or is it possible to interface an external track pad for them? Just a thought, would be nice to have a relatively cheap moving light control to hand.

Many Thanks

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Many PC controllers offer movement generation. For example, we offer what we call 'effects'. You pick a shape, gain, offset, and rotation. If you fade between different shapes, the system morphs them (line to sine wave, circle to triangle, etc.).


Pan Tilt control is actually a big issue. We offer a number of ways for single and multi-fixture control. You can click on a graphical control, use the keyboard, use the scroll wheel on a mouse like an encoder wheel, or put the fixture(s) in a 'tracking mode'. The last two are pretty comparable, efficiency-wise, with most consoles. Even so, we are always looking for ways to improve this.



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