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Zero 88 betapacks


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I am running the lighting for my am-dram group, and this year we have acquired an analogue betapack. However I still need to hire another three top provide adequate dimming. As far as I am aware it isn't possible to add the analogue one onto the end of the DMX daisychain. Is this correct or can I connect it in and overcome the problem through the addressing of the three DMX units?
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If your lighting desk has analogue and DMX outputs, you should be able to arrange the patch so that you can control via both protocols (assuming desk can o/p both at same time).


The hired betapacks may additionally have an analogue input, and you could run the whole system in analogue.


Alternatively you would need to hire a demux unit.


What lighting desk will you be using?



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In that case you will need a demux unit - or if you want a more long term fix, you will need to try and find a DMX input card for the Betapack. However, I believe they are discontinued and quite hard to come by.



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