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Chamsys magic Cue PC


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Im doing a theatre show in afew weeks with 100 dimmers and 6 or 8 movers and will be doing it on my magic cue PC with PC wing. I also have set up a numeric key pad with a few macros on for my @ key and thru keys. Apart from this has anyone done large theatre shows on this type of setup? can you offer any advice or things that might help with the magic cue?





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Number one bit of advice for any computer based show system is to have a clean PC, Xp is solid as a rock, most decent show software is also solid, it's the other stuff that causes grief.


Disable power management, disable screen savers, and set the sound palette to "no sounds"!


And dont forget to have a good time :huh:

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Make sure any scheduled tasks are not scheduled to run in the middle of your show. Finding a virus checker pop up on top of the cue stack is slightly unnerving!
Especially if it's McAfee while at a Symantec conference...

I'm told it got a laugh.

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