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Using Phono in a VGA or DVI Socket

Adam Brinkworth

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I doubt if there is anything in that price range. Composite to rgbhv would be something like a scan convertor (it would look horrid). Maplins might do something. What are you trying to achieve as there may be other alternatives.


edit - maplins do these http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criter...1&source=15 . Remember that processing an image tends to make it worse - especially upscaling a pretty low quality image such as composite.

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I doubt if there is anything in that price range. Composite to rgbhv would be something like a scan convertor (it would look horrid). Maplins might do something. What are you trying to achieve as there may be other alternatives.


I want to use a ps2 on a large plasma screen, but now im thinking that it will be cheaper to use a TV capture card

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Does the screen not have a composite input that you can put the 'Phono' lead into, possibly vie a phono to BNC adaptor? If it's a monitor with no composite input, then you'll need to scale the lower resolution video upto data rates. Cheap ones give a 'cheap' picture, decent ones (Think at least £200 ex VAT for a basic Kramer scaler, or close to £1000 for a multi input one) give a better picture.
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  • 11 months later...
Guest o100101011002

I may have something for you.

I stumbled across this, whilst looking for the exact same thing as you.




I've not tried it (yet), but I'm sure this could be reverse engineered to go from phono to vga, if not it's still a useful tool to possibly help solve this problem.


Moderation: The link information is discussed in my post a little further down the topic

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With the correct lead for the Playstation you should be able to get at least rgb out of it, if not rgbhv. That can then go into a vga connector.


That way you are getting the highest quality video signal and by only using cables your keeping the price down.


If its long term get one of these, snip the scart and solder a vga on.




If not get the above, a scart coupler and




(look half way down the page and see "Perfect Partner" - get the cable + coupler for £15.95)



Is it just me or are both the cpc and Maplin sites down? I suppose thats what happens when your browsing the net at 3am!





Just spotted how old this thread actually is. Usefull info anyway.

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Moderation: Just to explain for older members, that if a member decides to 'leave', then the software now displays their old username and 'Guest'. Previously, the cancelled name remained as before, but any PMs to the member would fail, as they can't log in to receive them!


Member o100101011002 joined to post his single post, and then requested cancellation, which we obliged. I wasn't aware the display format had changed. Other mods, far more competent with the board software will no doubt explain it to me later!


To confirm comments received, Guests cannot post.




I've just read the link the ex-member put up. The OP wanted to go from composite to a DVI monitor. All the circuits show in the link are methods of combining different signals back into composite using resistive networks. The 'guest' then says it should be possible to reverse engineer it - which is a totally different kettle of fish! So, not really any use at all - sorry.

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