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Avab Jaguar LX desk, anyone got one or has experience of using one?


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Hello All,


Following on from my quest to find clay paky stage color 1200s which ended with nothing, I now need to convince some Russians that they can re-program their show replacing a stage color 1200 for a different type of moving head, e.g. the CP alpha wash.


The problem is that their show is stored on an Avab Jaguar desk. I am having to hire this in from Germany, but I need to talk to someone ideally in the UK who has used one of these desks to find out if it's possible to change a fixture in the show they already have without a huge ammount of reprogramming. I have talked to a chap at ETC in germany who thinks it is possible, but I need some convincing.


At present they are saying it will take 2 days to re-program which I just don't believe..

So if there's anyone out there who has used an Avab Jaguar desk, do let me know!


many thanks - Dicky :)

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I have just been sent the show files and have been asked to modify them, for them as they don't know how to do it !!!

I think I'll be ringing up my helpful German man at ETC who does know....


Start the car.... :unsure:

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