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Side/boom stands


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Can anyone point me towards an alternative supplier of side stands / booms / 'ballet booms' (whatever you want to call them) other than the standard tank traps? My venue sees a lot of contemporary dance, and for a few months a year does nothing but (university assessments) and we're looking for something that:


*Can be moved around (wheeled preferably) while rigged (eg. rig: S4 shin, Cantata F mid and top)

*Supports fairly heavy lanterns at height without being unstable (Cantata F at 2m for example)

*Allows fairly easy adjustments of heights

*Looks nice :-)


I know there are such things out in the world - I saw some in the wings of Saddlers Wells not so long ago, but they may have belonged to the Alston Dance Company - but have not at yet found anyone that specialises in such things. If it is the case that you have to build your own, does anyone have a drawing/photo/design/sucess story of something that does the above?


Thanks in advance,


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Thankyou for that - just what I needed.


In fairness to myself I did google search the blue room - I thought thoroughly - before posting. "Side lighting stands" "Side stands" "Side booms" and host of other strings failed to return the post pointed to... Maybe google isn't my friend... Maybe it knows my homepage is Yahoo and is holding it against me... :)


Thanks again!



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