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Strand Gemini Remotes


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I have a Strand Gemini 2 Lighting Desk, I would like to be able to change the default up and down fade times and also it's power up recovery settings and believe this may be possible internally. Anyone know how to do this - I really would like to get hold of a copy of the technicians/service manual. I have the owners manual and will copy it if it is of use to anyone.


On a more 'just curious' note has anyone connected this desk up to a printer or even have a genuine Strand one? Does anyone have an unused/unloved rigger's or designer's remote?


Cheers everyone,



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I have a Strand Gemini 2 Lighting Desk, I would like to be able to change the default up and down fade times and also it's power up recovery settings and believe this may be possible internally.


Times are set using the sliders next to the Go button.


When recording cues set the red or green sliders to the fade times you want and hit the corresponding REC TIME key. You can change recorded times on an existing cue by typing the cue number on the memory control keypad and doing the above again. You may need to double hit the record time key to confirm. It's a while since I've used ours.


For playback time changes you should make sure USE TIME is not selected. Press the key to switch off the LED then the cue will run in the times set by the sliders.


I never heard of changing the recovery settings, I thought it would always default to last output.


Hope that helps.

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Will need to sift through my archives.


I know Galaxy had defaults of either 3 or 10 secs via switch settings but do not recollect anything documented for the Gemini. Later versions of Galaxy allowed you to cue edit memory zero to change the default times but I believe this was not applicable to Gemini.


Will PM you any info I find.

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