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HELP PLEASE - installing 3 Phase


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I know everyone else has said this more or less don't even try this.


I have a good understanding of these systems, I like to think but still I don't touch this kind of thing.


And I wouldn't be so sure that welders are nicely balanced, but I could be wrong.




PS. Don't get me wrong though, these questions are great for finding out stuff, just don't try it at home :huh:

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if my memory correct T=earth, N= neutral,S=seprate and C= combined,cant rember the corect term for I but think its independant?, the first bit is the incoming supply arangment and the second bit the arragment of conductors within the instalation

I always thought the I stood for impedance as IT systems would often feature a current limiting impedance in protective earth (or sometimes no earth conection at all!).


IIRC IT systems are only used in hospitals and other locations for circuits supplying life support systems where a fault current causing loss of supply could pose a risk just as great as the fault current itself however I have not done any formal electrical qualification and am open to correction.




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To respond to Robs question

I've just hit this stuff on the C&G course I'm doing. Any chance of a dummies guide to the above from any of you wise men?


I invested in a copy of "16th Edition wiring regulations explained and illustrated" sixth edition by Brian Scaddan. He uses quite a few illustrations from the regulations themselves and I found it useful.


Amazon - Brian Scaddan book



I found this site a while ago when looking for the actual regulations online:

Electricians guide. The actual regulations are not available online although if you have access to the Athens network of academic stuff you can view other useful British Standards online (e.g. BS 7909).


However, as a general note I wouldn't try to learn everything from a book; practical examples and training are an essential part of being able to work on power systems safely.




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Once again chaps, many thanks for the help. I also find it interesting as well as it helping my friend.


In the end, Siemans turned up, inspected the installation, were happy with it and connected it all up. The only thing they said was that they are not happy that the ring main and lighting for the garage are supplied via the house. They want it supplied from the new 3 phase so that someone in the future doesn't turn off the 3 phase to work on the ring or the lights thinking they have turned off the power and then kill themselves.


Thanks once again,


Matt :huh:

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The only thing they said was that they are not happy that the ring main and lighting for the garage are supplied via the house.  They want it supplied from the new 3 phase so that someone in the future doesn't turn off the 3 phase to work on the ring or the lights thinking they have turned off the power and then kill themselves.

No, they'll turn off the three phase and find they have no lights or local power with which to do to work on the 3 phase!

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