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Midi Control & Watchout


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I am pretty new to using watchout however have been told that it can be used to send a midi signal to a lighting desk for control - from having a play around with the software I am unsure as to how this can be achieved and whether it would need a dedicated midi card or serial - midi conversion. We are looking to control a zero88 jester with the signal. If anyone has any suggestions / experiences I would be most grateful


thanks in advance



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in the curent vershion of watchout 3.1.1 you can not send midi rs232 or any other control comands from the time line.


I have been told that rs232,midi and possibley DMX out and in will be in the next update 3.2 that was due to launch at plasa but has apprentley been delayed dut to problems with mpeg playback .


I may self am waiting for the rs232 to triger a strand 300,


looking at the manual for the zero88 jester you could do a bodge, the jester has a remote input on a jack. if you were to use a soud actervitated switch, you could use an audio out on one of your wo pc's with a 1k blip to triger the remote go.



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