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Strand GeniuPro

Ben Lawrance

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Ladies and Gents


I have downloaded a version of GeniusPro from the Strand website.


After openning it up, and following all instructions (tried both offline editor and backup pc) when I open the program in DOS it says that I need TNT.dll to run it.


Obviously I don't have it.


I have been googleing for the last half hour to try and get one with no luck.


Did anyone else have this problem. Does anyone have the file that they could e-mail me.



Ben Lawrance

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Disclaimer - this is from memory - my GeniusPro OLE is on another PC which is sitting on the shelf behind me, and I'm not about to drag it out and hook it up to all the gubbins right now, but ....


There are a couple of files in the Genius directory called, if memory serves, gp95.pif and genius.bat (you'll need to disable "Hide extensions for known file types" in "Folder options" if you need to see the extensions) - whichever one you're double-clicking to run the OLE at the moment, try using the other one. That usually does the trick.

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