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Where can I get a good value clinometer


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Hello there,


Have been hunting down a replacement clinomter for a while, and am having difficulty tracking one down under £100 or so, which is slighty more useful than a protractor...


Anybody know of a reputable supplier of good quality optical goods... Can't find the old fashioned ones anywhere...



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Silva do have a couple of cheaper compass/clinometer models, such as the Eclipse 99 Pro (search for it here).

Suunto have a rather more extensive range, including some watch-based ones. Try the M-3-G which is under 30 quid.

I don't know if you've tried Google - in less time than it took to write this post in the forum, I managed to find me several models under £100. But maybe they're not what you're looking for?

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Thanks again for the answers, and yes I do use Google, but posted here because I was having difficulty finding a straight clinomter, without compass, or height functions built in, just a common or garden angle thing... sadly looks like may be a little bit of time on the blower...
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