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Mixer Channels are leaking


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We have Soundcraft FX8 console.

The problem is that when the main MIX outs are at 0 (fully on). Then when I have like a cd deck or something running in stereo channels and even if they are turned off by button or just in downwards position. Then I can hear the sound in PA. It's very week but it's there. It disappears when I pull down the MIX faders.

Should I send it back for warranty?


Here's a picture of the console: Our Console


I hope you understand what I want to say.

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My old school had the same problem with it's old Inkel mixer, it's just cross-talk between the channels, cheaper mixers allow a greater amount of cross-talk than the more expensive desks with better circuitry. I would think it's normal on a budget soundcraft desk and there's little that can be done about it....


The best idea is to ring Soundcraft up and ask them, they might think it does need fixing, alternatively they will just confirm what I have just said



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......................1kHz............... 10kHz

Channel mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<95 dB . . . . . .<85 dB

Fader cutoff (rel to 0 mark) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<90dB . . . . . .<80dB

Routing isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<90dB . . . . . .<80dB

Aux Sends pots offness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<85dB . . . . . .<80dB


The crosstalk figures for this desk are not brilliant. If the Cd were not muted would it be very loud? If so, then I suspect that the desk is working as intended. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif


Edit: And what sort of word is "offness"? :)

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worth checking the gain structure. If the input gain on the cd channel is set too high, and the channel fader is used low down, then this will make the crosstalk even worse, or the opposite, you have the other channels too low, meaning you are then recovering the gain by hotting up the amps?
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Well, it may be a technical fault...


I've never used an FX-8 but I've done shows on an FX-16 and quite a few other small Soundcraft mixers and never had this problem. With respect to "audio", even a cheapie Soundcraft model is in a very different quality league to Inkek! FYI, the spec sheet for your mixer lists crosstalk as -80dB worst case (via a turned down aux) and generally 90-96 dB. These figures aren't brilliant, but you'd have to have a lot of gain in your amps for this to be an issue.


Before talking to Soundcraft, there are a few things to look at:


-make sure all alternative routes that could get the CD sound to the masters are eliminated. This means turning down all auxes, busses and effects to see if that makes the crosstalk go away.


-check your gain structure. If the CD audio is coming into the desk very hot for a reason, then reduced at the fader, that can be a problem.


-if you're using the phono input jacks, see if you can borrow balancing transformers and use the balanced TRS inputs instead. Earthing issues can sometimes cause unbalanced sources to cause crosstalk when mixed with balanced gear.


If none of this works, then a call to Soundcraft is in order. Their maintenance is pretty good.




Edit: Wow! Lot's of posts while I was writing mine! At least we're all saying roughly the same things. Part of my delay was marvelling at how horrid the word "offness" is...guess they mean turning an Aux pot fully down, but...YUCK!

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Most of the spirit desks including the FX8's big brother the FX16 have master faders that finish at 0dB.

I would expect the FX8 to be the same.


I've got an FX8 in front of me at the moment. I can confirm that the output faders only go to 0.


All the input faders go to +10

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looks to me like the master faders on that desk go to 10dB
No, masters go only to 0dB


Main MIX out is almost all on (full). CD is connected via RCA -> Mono TRS 6mm Plug. Cable is shielded microphone cable 2 core (shield + signal, only) Gain is always Zero cause the signal is pretty high, almost in REDs. Crosstalk is worst in one channel (left).


Sorry about, the bad build of sentences. <--I wrote this wrong to!

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