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Free Yamaha LS9 Digital Mixer Training Dates now out

Mark Payne

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Hi all


Many of you know the score having attended seminars at SFL before... I would love to meet more of you on the following courses for the Yamaha LS9 Digital mixer.


The dates are as follows. I have put some Saturday dates in to help people in full time education and weekend warriors alike.


Come and learn the Yamaha LS9. Mix through the board and get your digital hands dirty.


Wednesday 8th November 2006

Saturday 11th November 2006

Wednesday 22nd November 06

Saturday 25th November 2006


Saturday 9th December 2006

Wednesday 13th December 2006


Email our Claire on reception@sflgroup.co.uk to book your place.

We will need your name, address, contact number and the dat you want to do.


More details are at http://www.sflgroup.co.uk in the training section


Best regards


Mark Payne

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