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Blagging free (non-working) laptops?!


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Hi everyone


Success on finding free dummy mobile phones (:)!!) Any suggestions on good places to try for finding a free laptop - it doesn't need to work (yay!) but my director's requested it as a new prop for the show.... I keep waiting for a request for tartan paint, I swear!!!!





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My last place of employment was at an acting school in Essex. One of the tech students blagged thirty non working laptops. They often hire out props, for next to no money (or often none at all).


PM me for the details if you are interested in getting in touch with the props guy there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If my experience of schools is anything to go by, many high schools will have a small tower of broken laptops that they will probably have to pay to be recycled/disposed of - I'm sure they would be more than happy to hand them over for a token (and probably a 400 page dossier of legal assurances of having not stolen them)
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