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Hi all, Ok did my first Big Rock & Roll gig Last night since having the Congo and the New Software version on it. Everything was Going Ok but when I started to Flash on the Bottom Master Playback Faders and the Went to change anything (Like changing the Top Page from Page 5 to 4 or pressing the Quick Buttons at the top to select diffrent things) The Desk Freeze's I can use the 2 Pages and whats on them but every else I just get locked out of. Dead anouying coz I had to re-boot the Desk to do anything else. This happened 3 Times to me I know you say why do it after the First and second time but happens even if I have a cue stack on a fader and press this when I do a change.


I hope Ive made sence and someone out there can Help Ive email Jerry at ETC just wonder has had this happen to no one else but me. I hope its a Glich in the Software but want to make sure before goin back as I have another rock and Roll show next Week.


Thanking you in advance Carlos

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Do you mean that if you press any of the buttons whilst holding down a flash button it crashes the desk? And by new software do you mean 4.2.0?


Does it do the same when using a cue stack-chase on a master?


I will attempt to replicate this on my desk today.


Its very interesting given that 4.2.0 was supposed to fix 'issues' with flash buttons.....

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Hi Andrew Yes Its 4.2.0 and Yes it happens when im pressing a cue stack in a cue. The only way not to crash the desk is just flash, But I have 3 groups of 8 with my Movers which I have set just to Flash Int only. this means I can then Use the Direct Select keys to change Col and Postion whilst still flashing or Pulsing but I carnt Do this coz it Just Freeze the Desk.



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Thanks for the report Carlos.


I'll poke my Congos tomorrow and try to find the minimum way to replicate it, and if there is a workaround for your show next week.


I take it you want to use Direct Selects to choose position/colour/gobo, and flash buttons for intensity.


And I'll get the software guys onto fixing it, if Jeremy hasn't already.

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