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Footswitch 13amp socket lights?


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Hi there, does anyone know of an existing solution to this problem?....


We use a couple of floodlights either side of the stage at small gigs that I would like to be able to switch on as the first song kicks in, and kill when the last song ends. Both floodlights currently have 13amp plugs on them.


Ideally the switching would be done with footswitches


If there isn't anything already made for this job Im gonna need some beefy relays and bits I guess!

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What wattage are the halogens and how many, you could just mod a normal footswitch, most of em are rated to about 6A from my memory, if you used too you could pretty much get away with it.


One 6A footswitch ------ Halogens


The other 6A footswitch ------ Halogens

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hmm, that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all - home made mains voltage stuff isn't something to go messing with, especially with a footswitch. Most stages end up covered in beer or water at some point during a gig. combining that with 230 volts in a home made box seems like a bad idea to me.


a relay box where the foot pedal only had 12 volts or such going through it is a much safer idea.


That, or there's a bunch of premade solutions from various companies that sell disco lights.

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Thanks for the replies people, looks like I may go down the home-made route


I'm fully in agreement about using relays, safety really does have to be the first consideration, especially since its me using it hehe

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hmm, that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all - home made mains voltage stuff isn't something to go messing with, especially with a footswitch. Most stages end up covered in beer or water at some point during a gig. combining that with 230 volts in a home made box seems like a bad idea to me.


I guess you could make it nice and water tight, I've got a few of these made up and have never had problems, even on beer soaked stages, if you want to go down the relay route, it can end up quite expensive for something that just gets chucked in the back of the van and generally trashed !!

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