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Strand SSF to ETC Obssesion


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I regulary convert between 500 series and Expression 3 by importing the ASCII text file you get from Showport into the Exp 3 offline editor - therefore I imagine there must be a similar facility on the Obsession offline... If you go to http://www.etcconnect.com/downloads.asp and choose Obsession Offline, you can get the download link for the offline editor.


Not very specific I know, but might be of some use.



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Is there an easy way to perform this conversion? Obviously I can convert my SSF's to ASCII using Showport, but is there a similar ETC utility to then convert these to Obssesion format?

I wouldn't say it was easy, but check my post in this thread. It basically involves some find-and-replace in Notepad or a text editor. You just need to reverse the instructions in my old post.

Note - since writing that post I have managed to convert from Strand to ETC, using Showport v2.5. So it can be done

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The Obsession line is completely different to the Expression range - Exp includes express, insight, and a few others. The Obs is completely incompatible with anything, the offline software has no import feature at all, much less an export feature. It's a huge pain. The Express offline has ascii import/export.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, so basically I'm screwed as far as conversion goes... Wonderful... this is going to go down very well.

Sorry I was doing a load-in and didn't see this post timely. I have my own software to translate USITT/ASCII to Obsession I or II. I apologize for flogging a paid service, but what you ask about is simply unavailable except from private contractors like myself. See links if interested.





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