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Help in Controller Rental Choice


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We are a rental company in Asia. LD's in our country normally prefer Avolites Pearl 2004. We already have one and are planning to add another one. What controller should we add which could be a match to Pearl 2004? WholeHog3, Regia2048LIVE, Maxim XXL, Pearl Expert? Please share your thoughts, any opinion will be much appreciated. Thanks!
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Normally it would be used for Corporate Shows and TV Show Lighting. Any controller prefernce for those markets? Any opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!



I have no idea in asia, but I guess it depends what size of rig they are controlling, also remember its worth having a few consoles in your rental stock, to give LD's and programmers a choice. I reckon in the UK small confrences (maybe with a few moving lights) can get away with an avolites azure or a fat frog, whilst the larger ones sometimes use your regular major consoles, Hog's, pearls, maybe ETC congo's or Strand 520i if its a confrence where you know whats going to happen and have a plotting session.


for the larger TV gigs, I am guessing a search on this topic would chuck up the same sorts of answers, I belive for your X-factors and shows like that programmers are leaning towards the compulite Vector consoles, but as you'll see in one of the other topics on here, the BBC have a wide range of consoles to cover all there needs, from basic face/camera lighting to a more theatrical sytle for 'talent'/music shows.


I would be tempted to ask your clients, speak to the people that either rent the consoles on a regular basis, or the guys you employ to program your wet hire jobs, as at the end of the day, those are the guys spec'ing the kit, there for bringing the money into the company!





edit - spelling and grammer - I was always told to read my work before handing it in!!!

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The Pearl Expert would make a very good choice. 10 times better than any previous versions and actually does what I want it to! If you already have Pearls it might make sense to get more of the same, so you have a backup stock (incase your original Pearl dies on a gig) rather than a load of different consoles.
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