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Renting Martin Mania EFX800s


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I'm trying to find a place I can rent 2x Martin Mania EFX800s (amongst other things, but these are the only 'specific' kit I need) in/around Croydon (South London/North Surrey), but the Martin official distributors don't seem to stock them, and one of the companies I regularly use doesn't have them (I'll know if the other do on Monday, but it's not their kind of thing really). So... Any ideas?



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Tried Point Source, got ZigZag to ring Monday (though I wouldn't expect them to do them), also still to ring White Light, though they're not on their online catalogue.


[Edit to add a word I missed; it's 3am, forgive me.]

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Have you thought about the Martin Wizard? Its a basically the same sort of effect and has a more powerful lamp than the EFX800.


Few places I know that have the wizard in stock are; Intersound PA, FT Audio Visual Ltd and Viking Stage Lighting


After just looking at the martin website I get the feeling that the EFX fixtures are just DJ end versions of the Wizards!





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I figure hiring in a full Wizard would probably be more expensive than hiring in a single effect (trying to keep cost to a minimum) but as a last resort I may well do that, thanks for the advice!
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The wizards are a completely different effect to the EFX 800. The wizards have the pan and tilt on a mirror wheel whereas the the EFX 800 is a mania version of the old raptor with a three coloured paddle wheel at the front of the fixture. It has no pan or tilt as such unlike the wizards. If you were looking for a similar effect to the wizard then the EFX500 or 600 would be more suitable....the 600 being the brighter fixture with a discharge lamp.
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