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I was just wondering because I have searched for them myself! Has anyone overcome any jobsites other than the stage and the occasional few that pop up on here! I ask this cos the jobs in the stage are lacking at the moment compared to how many jobs they had earlier on in the year!


hope you can help


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The ABTT has a vacancies page and you don't have to be a member to view it.


ETnow display jobs listings from Taylor-Philips for the entertainment industry.


L&SI Online is another place to look


And if you are a member of the PSA that's another place to find jobs listings.



Just cos the Stage doesn't have many jobs in one week, doesn't mean that there won't be lots next week. Like everything else, the number of available jobs fluctuates and sometimes you just have to be patient, whether you like it or not.


There are a number of topics in the blue room that suggest other methods of finding vacancies. There are other places to search for theatre related jobs but I'm not going to do all your work for you ;)


Happy hunting!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stage jobs pro, arts professional and the guardian also advertise jobs.


Stage jobs pro is probably the best, but you do have to register. They will, however send you alerts when jobs matching your skills profile turn up and let employers view your CV online.


If you're into stage management you can also join the freelist run by the stage management asscociation which allows employers to request your details and contact you with vacancies.


Hope that's some help.

Good luck!

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For live general production industry, I would suggest trying Taylor Phillips Recruitment (http://www.taylor-phillips.co.uk) as well as Live Recruitment (http://www.live-recruitment.com). See how you find those as well as scouring the back pages of the normal industry journals - such as ETNow & L&SI as mentioned above.


However, if you are wanting TV & Film - check out Mandy (http://www.mandy.com)


Or, if you are wanting events related work there is always http://www.event-jobs.net


Hope that helps

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