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Generating timecode


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Hi guys,

does anybody know of a program where I can generate a wave file where one channel is SMPTE timecode and the other is the music track? I've played with adobe audtion but I doesn't seem to be able todo it..


or just a program that can generate timecode that I can save to a wave file and I can edit the music and timecode tracks together..


any thoughts?




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thanks for the reply.. I've tried this program. if you give it no parameters my external smpte hardware will sync to the code. as soon as I generate it with parameters it wont sync (I've tried various combinations of settings 2).. even if I use the same parameters as the it should when you don't specify anything..


can't understand why there are no programs around that can do this? or do people just use external smpte generators?






I've just changed the only setting that was different to the standard, number of channels. now works ok..



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... or do people just use external smpte generators?

Thats what I have, an XRI-300, but I haven't used it this century.


It sounds like you are editing audio and hoping that by doing so you can keep the time reference. Well, you can, but it wont be accurate at the cut points; timecode will lose sync and then have to re-aquire sync, during which time position updates are lost. Then once timecode is found again the receiving device will have to chase to the new position.

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For plain striping it should work just fine.


I dont know if you're actually going to tape or wll be all digital, but if tape is involved there is the command line switch to generate "proper" square wave ltc, rather than the default of slew rate limited ltc which simulates what ltc is like after it's been down to tape and back, and is alledgedly more compatible with ltc reading hardware.

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A daw called "Reaper" can do this.

You can get an uncrippled shareware version here:




Open Reaper

Go to the menu "Insert" -> SMTPE Timecode generator


You can route outputs by right-clicking the tracks to the left if needed.


Pricing is $40 for non-commercial and $200 for commercial use. Licensing the program will not give you any extra features. The shareware version is uncrippled.

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I dont know if you're actually going to tape or wll be all digital,


its digital, the software shows the wave form/spectral analysis of the music on the screen and lets you place event markers on it..


if your interested its for this (read the last 4 paragraphs and the picture in the middle of the article)

Standout magazine fireworks article


thanks Gistybit I'll look at that..


thanks for your help people..




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