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Gobo size/ compatability


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For a "corporate" gig I'm supposed to light, Company-Logo gobos are being made - These are apparently for Mac 2000. Since (due to budget restrictions) I don't plan to use these movers/ or any movers at all, I'd like to know what fixtures the gobos are compatible to? Do I need some sort of adaptor to put them in an ordinary profile? The whole gigs pretty low-budget, so I don't really know, if I'm going to get to choose the equipment.

Does anyone have a suggestion?



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The gobo will be "E" size which dont fit in much at all apart from some movers and a microlite microprofile!You could make a converter out of black tac but thats not ideal!

surely if your lighting this then you get to say what the gobos go in and what size you need?

Roscos image pro is a good cheep way of projecting custom gobos you might want to look at that!



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if they are having them made assuming you have expensive movers, then don't have any budget for them - this is crazy. even if you could make them fit, they be so small as to be really dim, and the lenses in most profiles would mess them up anyway. So just order custom gobos in the right size - very confused?
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Thanks Guys!

If all else fails, I'll just hire a couple of mac 2k's. I have a small budget & will otherwise be using the venues gear.

the venue has a conventional lx desk (Ma lightcommander) which has 96+ channels in wide-mode - should be enough cause the stage-lighting only has 48 channels.

Since I'm not doing anything fancy, was was thinking I could just put both movers on the same address & invert one of the pans. Which leads me to my next question:

Has anyone ever tried to patch individually selected mover DMX-channels to a conventional desk? Theoretically, I should only need 4x Chan. for pan/tilt, 1x colour, 1x gobo & 1x Focus ???

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Depending which wheel you use for your gobo you'd possibly need a few more channels for colour.


There's a rotating gobo wheel, another which takes colour or gobos and CMY mixing with a colour correction too.


I'd suggest downloading the manual and have a look at the channel allocation

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