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Front Row!


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Evening All,


Did anyone catch this evenings 'Front Row' on Radio 4 at 7.15? I know most will be working but I'm on my hols!

One thing talked about was back-stage pranks played on performers by technicians in retaliation of their often diva like demands and the like.

One thing that came up, amongst others, was the perennial and ever popular "Pissing in Tommy Steeles' water tank" on Singing in the (slightly yellowish) Rain.


Also the 'lacing' of stage drinks with real alcoholic drinks seemed popular.


It was good to hear the presenters basic point that as a performer you shouldn't annoy the crew, they don't know what mischief we might get up to. :** laughs out loud **:




PS, Listen again on the BBC Radio 4 website will have it. It's about half way through the programme.

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