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pyro controllers


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There has been fairly extensive discussion about building your own pyro controller, search the forum and you should find some useful information. Personally I wouldn't do it, don't know enough about electronics, plus I know, like and trust the Le Maitre PyroFlash 6/24 so see no reason to stop using it :** laughs out loud **:


EDIT: oh, and welcome to the Blue Room!

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I would agree with Gridgirl here, especially with Le Maitre's prostage range, and the air interface to go with them.


For not to much money, I don't see any point risking any safety by not using a professionally designed and tested system. Not casting asspertions about people's ability to make such a controller, but if you were to have an accident with a personally designed controller, could you guarantee that it wasn't your controller at fault.



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Certainly you need to investigate your insurance policy. You may find it will be invalidated in the event of an incident\accident with a home-made unit (no matter how good it may be).


For a research project, fine. For a practical unit for everyday use... why make more work for yourself. Plenty of cheap firing units out there.


Have fun on the board.

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