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LanBox LCM

Ben Lawrance

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I purchased a LanBox LCM a few months ago, after seeing it being used by a tech friend of mine.


At first, the software was very difficult to get to grips with, but after many a night "playing" with it I finally cracked the general jist of how to turn lights on and save scenes.


I am now trying to create chases with no luck. I have read the manual countless times, each time getting more confused.


I can save the scenes, that I want to be in my chase, I can then set the chase attack, decay etc, but when I want to set the chase speed, I can either set it to very very very fast (not too good for movers) or static, nothing in the middle. As I move the percentage, it does nothing???



I am getting very very annoyed, because I need to be able to control movers that actually move, not just stay in one place.


Can anyone shed any light (sorry about the pun) on the subject??




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  • 3 months later...

First of all, you may want to know there is a LanBox-dedicated mailing list:



And you can alternatively always email us directly for support.


Now, for your problem.. it's still a little vague from the problem description, but perhaps it may have something to do that changing the chase speed does *not* change the fade time of scenes? Try turning fading off (one of the little buttons below the layer list) to see if the problem is related to that.


Or perhaps you've already solved the problem, since your post is 3 months old... if it isn't, if you still have problems, please just email the LanBox-Talk list or us directly.


Matthijs van Duin -- www.lanbox.com

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