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Strand Fixture Lib.


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Hi Guys I need some help !


We have a Strand 300 desk in the theatre and I have just brought 6 Explorer 575 Spot from Highlight. Now before everyone starts replying with Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. why by them, I know not the best make in the world. But I have seen them in other entertainment venues used and working fine. Yes if I had the budget I would go for something from High-End used them loads with Disney Cruise Line but my budget wont go that far.


Getting back to the point I was dealing with Strand before they sadly went into liquidation. About sending me the Fixture Library for Highlight showtec moving lights. Does anyone have / know off / or could make a Fixture Library for the Explorer Moving Head. Don’t mind paying a fee for someone to knock one up. I have to say I am crap with patching of moving lights on Strands; Hog’s fine did the Hog training with Fourth Phase in US.


The Frog range all have cheaper moving lights in there library's but Strand don't


Please someone help.



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For the likes of those, your best bet is to make the library yourself. I'll put up a "how to" if you like, but it is probibly here already, check a search or the wiki. Other wise.... PM me the DMX channel list and I'll make it up for you. But it is worth knowing how to do it,



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Adding fixtures to the fixture library on a Strand desk isn't difficult, and it's been covered on the BR before (on more than one occasion, at least once in some detail). Have a look through the archive ("Search" function at the top-right of the page) and I'm sure you'll find it.
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but it is probibly here already, check a search or the wiki.


or just press the nice big HELP button on your 300, or I think the fixture lib has instrustions in its self, press More>notes Display>Load > Fixture lib.

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