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Addressing daisy chained dimmer packs


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I have another project that requires I use a few older Strand CD80 six channel dimmer packs the company bought a while back. Currently, I'm running six par light

s on the first pack by itself and the second pack is not in the chain. I want to add another six par lights on the other dimmer pack next show. When I daisy chain the next dimmer pack, will I have to set its "address" dip switch to 7 (it has dip switches)? I'm assuming this would be the case since dimmer pack #1 is set to "address 1" and chanels 1-6 work fine. If this is the case, I'd assume that if I add a second six channel dimmer pack it would address as 7 and the third 6-channel pack would be addressed 13?


Again, I'm working with non-moving, non-color changing par and elip fixtures on a single dimmer circuit (channel) per fixture. Is this the way to address the daisy chained dimmer packs? Is there any other issues to look for?


Man the ETC touring racks w/ the CEM sure spoiled me. I could run the whole show on the single rack... :D


Thanks for any advice you can give.


TransX - burgeoning LD

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To set the address on some dimmers (Betapack springs to mind), you have 3 dials, 1 for hundreds, 1 for tens, 1 for units.




0 1 3


If you do



1 3 0


the address will be 130.


Just something to look out for as it can be an easy mistake to make, especially if you are trying to address in the dark!

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Yep, that's how all the dimmers I have used have behaved anyway.



Thanks Frag_Me... I guess really just needed some affirmation & self-confidence. I've been doing this since high school (13years) and after stringing & wrapping miles of socapex and 4/0 I seem to get a few kinks in the ole memory bank. ;) I'm glad you affirmed my assumptions. Now, I can perform like the professional I claim to be... :D Good thing I can work around the contoller w/o much confusion.


BTW, This is a cool forum. Fast replies and friendly blokes. :)


Thanks again!


To set the address on some dimmers (Betapack springs to mind), you have 3 dials, 1 for hundreds, 1 for tens, 1 for units.




0 1 3


If you do



1 3 0


the address will be 130.


Just something to look out for as it can be an easy mistake to make, especially if you are trying to address in the dark!


Yeah, those CD80's do have the three dial address dips.... Thanks for the heads up!

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The following is as far as I can remember, so hopefully someone who is more experienced with this range can confirm whether I'm right or not.

The one thing to look out for, is that there was the original CD80, which was AMX controlled, then the CD80AE, and then the CD80SV. The AE and the SV are DMX, but if you have the CD80 variety that has AMX, then it won't work witha DMX desk without a convertor.

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The following is as far as I can remember, so hopefully someone who is more experienced with this range can confirm whether I'm right or not.

The one thing to look out for, is that there was the original CD80, which was AMX controlled, then the CD80AE, and then the CD80SV. The AE and the SV are DMX, but if you have the CD80 variety that has AMX, then it won't work witha DMX desk without a convertor.


yeah these are the latter CD80's. They definately have five pin DMX in/out and DMX address dials. I started out my career with miles of AMX cables. :D


Well since I've killed the address worry I'll focus on steering the DMX lines running to the console away from the 4/0 and terminating the last pack.

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