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Strand 520 Replacement


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Thats off the top of my head before my morning coffee :unsure:


What sort of budget are you looking at? The 520 covered such a large range that is not easy to just ask what to get instead. What sort of shows will you be using the new desk for ?


I have been through replaceing a 520 (for something more usefull for busking) and am happy to share my experience, and my thoughts on the Congo that was forced on me. PM me if you want to know more

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Thanks for the list, looking for a desk that will mainly be used for theatre capable of all the usual cue stacks etc. Some mover ability would be useful, easier to program than the 520 would be nice.

Seems as though the congo has been getting rave reviews, it does seem a very powerful desk at not a bad price.

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Genlyte seem uninterested so far - god knows why, as the UK was Strand's biggest market.


And the Palette is/wasn't really a 520 replacement IIRC - it's more of a 300 replacement, aimed at smaller venues.

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the Palette is/wasn't really a 520 replacement IIRC - it's more of a 300 replacement, aimed at smaller venues.

Indeed. The bigger members of the new Palette family, intended to replace the 520/30/50i, were supposed to be unveiled at PLASA. Genlyte have promised that there'll be a Strand presence at PLASA this year, but one can't help but wonder whether the promised new Palette products will actually appear as planned.

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strongly recommend NOT any adb desks!
Sorry, but why not? I can strongly recommend not Strand 520 which is in my opinion the worst desk I`ve ever worked with. It is too complicated. I`ve been working with ADB desks for about 12 years. I started with s20, then Tango, Tenor, and now I`m working with Phoenix 10 and Mentor. During the years I was working with Avolites Pearl and Sapphire, Compulite Spark, Strand 520, Martin Light Jockey. ADB desks are very user friendly, logical and all, from Tenor to Phoenix are based on the same phylosophy. Some desks are better with mooving lights some with white lights, some for TV and theater, some for live concerts and tours and ADB (Phoenix, Mentor) is somewhere in the middle.


Best regards



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Calm down! It's "horses for courses", isn't it? When it comes to personal lighting desk preference, one man's meat is another man's poison, and other cliches. :(


As it happens, based on my limited exposure to ADB desks I'd have to agree that they're not nice. But maybe that's because I've never spent enough time with one to get to like it - out of the many venues I've toured into over the years, only two have had ADB desks : one also had a Strand, which I used ; and the other had some god-awful piece of ADB technology from the mid-nineties which was so bad that I've managed to blot its name completely out of my mind (might also be worth mentioning, though, that the member of house staff tasked with programming it for me that day was a completely clueless klutz, which might have had a bearing on things!).


Worth considering, though, that Strand 500-series outnumber ADB desks in UK theatres by a factor of loads-to-one. More over, I could give you at least a couple of examples of venues which have ditched their old ADB desks in favour of Strand products, and none at all that have gone the other way.

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Sorry, but why not? I can strongly recommend not Strand 520 which is in my opinion the worst desk I`ve ever worked with. It is too complicated.


:( ;) :** laughs out loud **:


A touring venue I go to a bit has an ADB which thay thought was a bit awkward but they didn't mind it. I took a 520 in and they were blown away by how easy it was.


Guess what they are buying soon?

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strongly recommend NOT any adb desks!
Sorry, but why not? I can strongly recommend not Strand 520 which is in my opinion the worst desk I`ve ever worked with. It is too complicated.



OK, but I find the 520 a breeze to use and easy to teach. In fact even with the uncertainty of Strands position in our world, I would buy one today with zero hesitation if I had the budget. Great desk.



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Your right the pallette was a replacement for the 300 not the 500 but they say hat they are going to be at plasa this year so I would wait and see if it turns up.

I will be looking for a new desk soon and if the palette is available I will consider it very carefully.

Genlyte still have the septic and asain market to cater for.


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