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Daslight vs Sunlite DMX Software?

Guest lightscan

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Guest lightscan
Ok so ive came accross these two pieces of DMX software and both look much the same. Which one would you guy's go for?
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IIRC, then the daslight and sunlite hardware is the same, just with a different coloured cover. On this basis, then either of the two pieces of software can be used with the hardware (also can be used with other software such as magicq). If you're asking us which of these two software options are best, then we would need more details, and then still wouldn't be in the best position to say. Both of these software programs, as well as others like magicq can be downloaded for free for a demo, so have a try to see which you like best.


If you want any more info, then have a search, daslight brings up a good few topics, as does usb-DMX, sunlite, magicq, so have a look there before asking for further advice to see if your question has already been answered.

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As far as I have found, the das-light will not interface with sunlight software. Not sure the other way around but they do seem to be locked into each interface.


The sunlight software gives a lot better control display, with all attributes being displayed, however this can lead to confusion once any on-line manual changes need doing to the current cue/chase. This being the case with the type of work I do (touring PA + Lights with no specified lighting op), it is not as good as the DVC software.


The daslight software is good for setting up static states, and for elementary chases. The live run mode is also excellent for pre-programmed club installs as we have used several times, allowing simple but well set-out control.


As with all these interfaces, some will like one more, but I have never sat with the DasLight wanting for a feature that wasn't there; I have sat puzzled at what Sunlight is telling me.



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  • 4 weeks later...


We have a Sunlite interface which we use from time to time. The system is a great to have and can give you a fantastic light show in seconds. The only thing I am now missing it the feel of a physical desk in-front of me! :P


Sunlite and DAS light (Digital Art Systems, the company/makers of Sunlite) are both made at the same offices in France by Mr Nicolaudie.

I would say that Sunlite's GUI is much easier, at this time, to work with then the DAS light, plus a few more gizmos'.


Hope this helps.


King regards,


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I have SUNLITE and DASLIGHT working at my installation projects. It seems that both software package offers the same functions but, the Sunlite's GUI is better than DASLIGHT however, the latest release of SUNLITE is fairly slow and is still in BETA (as I was told by my distributor). It still doesn't function properly so, it might be better to install an earlier version if you want to go with Sunlite.

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