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outdoor gig kit


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Hi there,


I am ment to be mixing an outdoor gig for about 600 people but the equipment provided dosnt sound enough to me. Does any one have any expierience with the Tannoy t12 and B400 because that is the speakers provided and also the desk I believe is a spirit folio 12/2 and I dont think this will be enough to run a full band plus monitors. any ideas



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I remember I opped an outdoor gig for around 1000 people, and I was shown to a stage that had:


FOH: 4 x Carlsbro subs, and 2 Tannoy T12 tops, but the whole rig (spec said 12k :) ), was (doing the sums) around the 4.5 k mark :) . Think the organisers may have been spun a yarn....


Mons: 4 x OHM 15" + 2 wedges.


Whole lot powered by a rack of 3 MC^2 T1500 amps. Subs weren't too bad, but the tops just couldn't push it out to the crowd - it was hard to hear what was going on at FOH point let alone further down the field :angry: . Up close, they sounded lovely though! ;)

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really doesn't sound enough.


it all depends on the style of music, if its supposed to be loud they're not going to cut it, where as a more laid back style you may be able to get away with it.


keep the tops high. think high. no higher. ok about 4 feet more. Thats high enough, now put that stand ON the stage.


depending on how the crowd are set out will depend on how useful the cab will be. if they are spread out but not too far back a wider dispersion cab will help. if they are a long way back but not too wide then a narrower dispersion cab will be better. I dont have the specs for that particular cab but I suspect they are quite a wide dispersion.


If this is the kit you MUST use then all I can say is quality not quantity or both. no point pushing the rig so it sounds awful and kills the front row.



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I was doing an outdoor gig yesterday (singer / songwriter stuff so mostly acoustic guitars). To expand on something Rob said, the inverse square rule applies a lot more outdoors than it does indoors. Critical distance doesn't exist so it can be a LOT louder at the front than it is at the mix position. Have a wonder down to the front once you've set the mix, then go back & turn it down a bit...


(17 acts back to back in 9 hours - must be some kind of record :angry: )

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Play with audience and speaker arrangement. You can do it using pencil and paper from the cabs tech specs, or you can place one speaker and walk arround making your observations. With a 12 chan mixer and not enough power, you are probably looking more at re-enforcement than anything else - maybe you could look at whether you need to re-enforce from the very front or whether you are able to move the speakers forward more...
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a festival I am working on is using a 3.6k powered DAP system (2 tops 4 subs), how do you think this will cope?


How long is a piece of string and how big is your festival? If we're talking a pub garden you should be okay; if you're at Glatonbury, forget it.


Putting this in perspective, in his blog about the current Red Hot Chili Peppers tour, Dave Rat drops in the fact that he has between 300,000 and 400,000 watts at his disposal....



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Don't know about the PA but the folio may be a squeeze depending on what you are mixing and how much micing is required. Isn't it 6 mic inputs? It also only has one pre-fade aux, so same foldback all over. Sounds like it matches the PA from what people have been saying...
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T12s? All good, they were the first pair of speakers we had in our sound hire stock and they are still going strong many years later. Nice, warm, balanced sound, great for jazz/acoustic type bands and similar vocals which we tend to use them for. Due to their useful shape, they also function nicely as monitors too. They are a bit low powered though so you might struggle with just one pair on an outdoor gig for 600...
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Might I respectfully suggest a new thread for your "party for 200 with a Chinese rig".


And what then?

What if Ben had come along and started a new thread? What would be the next step?


""Topics Merged, Please use the search function. This topic was only started 2 days ago. etc etc etc""


The subject IS outdoor gig kit afterall.




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