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Chili Peppers @ Earls Court


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Hey there,

Does anyone have any information on the Chilis tour for what lighting/AV stuff they were using. I'm interested to know how those projection screens worked, and what the light bars being used as a screen are and what they were running off (looked a bit like pixellines being used as a giant LED screen)..



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The sound for the Chilis tour is by Dave Rat of Rat Sound in the states.

The FOH rig is L'acoustics V-Dosc with DV-Dosc as side/down fills. The sound is being mixed on a midas console with KT and BSS outboard.

As lighing goes its being controlled from a GrandMA with lots of Macs, Synchrolights (? the big ones!) and 4 Led screens.

Dave Rat is keeping a blog (which makes interesting reading!) at www.ratsound.com/cblog/ - theres mic lists, and diagrams on there too (page 4).



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I worked on a couple of the outdoor shows, didn't see any of the indoor ones this time around (I know they're a little bit more complex).

I don't take much notice of video I'm afraid, but I don't remember seeing any projection screens. The screen upstage of the band is a fairly standard LED screen afaik (sorry, no idea which one). I'm pretty sure the "light bars" you're talking about are Element Labs Versa-tubes.

Yes, the big movers onstage are Synchrolights. There're also eight truss spots (with operators) on stage, 4 each side.





ps: Just took a look at Dave Rat's blog. Its a surprisingly good read. :angry:

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The Chilies were great fun, I have to admit that. I'm another person who is rather interested in finding out more about the equipment used on the tour. Does anyone have any ideas what Martin Mac models were used on the rig? I noticed the heavy use of Martin Atomic DMX strobes across the front of the stage etc at the Ipswich gig which I attended.
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Yup, there were loads of Atomics with the Atomic Colour Changers.

I dont know which Macs exactly but AFAIR they were all washes, and the only Mac wash that powerful I think is the Mac 2000 wash, although I may be wrong. Lighting for this tour and last tour (2004) is/was supplied by Neg Earth.


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Where do they get people to rig/followspot/etc these sorts of tours? Is there any sorts of agencies you can sign up to for short term opping work?


On this occasion, two were touring lampies, four were local crew, and two were local riggers. The FoH spot ops were all bus/truck drivers.


Spot ops for rock&roll gigs are drawn from 3 main sources. There may be personnel (usu. lampies) on the tour who aren't otherwise occupied during the show. Bus & truck drivers often do it for a bit of extra cash (which also gives the ld the benefit of having the same spot ops throughout the tour). Finally, they may be local crew (or in the case of truss spots, local riggers).


In short, sorry, no. There are no agencies you can sign up with, and there's no way to get spot-op work unless you're already working on the gig in some other capacity.

(On the local crew, for example, which you could conceivably sign up with, depending largely on where you are. To do this, it's not strictly necessary, but it helps, to be a big daft lad.)





ps: oops, I misread your post, sorry, I thought you were just asking about spot ops.

The 'local' riggers for the Chili Peppers' UK tour were supplied by the rigging division of the Star Events Group.

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I dont know which Macs exactly but AFAIR they were all washes, and the only Mac wash that powerful I think is the Mac 2000 wash, although I may be wrong. Lighting for this tour and last tour (2004) is/was supplied by Neg Earth.


Isn't the new mac 700 wash brighter than the mac 2000 wash due to the new optics. Was playing with a 700 profile this morning, with my local company, and they said that the 700 series was brighter than the 2000's, and the new 250's brighter than the 500/600. Didn't have all of the lights there, so was just going on what they said.

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I dont know which Macs exactly but AFAIR they were all washes, and the only Mac wash that powerful I think is the Mac 2000 wash, although I may be wrong. Lighting for this tour and last tour (2004) is/was supplied by Neg Earth.


Isn't the new mac 700 wash brighter than the mac 2000 wash due to the new optics. Was playing with a 700 profile this morning, with my local company, and they said that the 700 series was brighter than the 2000's, and the new 250's brighter than the 500/600. Didn't have all of the lights there, so was just going on what they said.


The light outputs quoted for the units in the paperwork are in different terms of reference so its difficult to compare the numbers but in the flesh I'd say the 2k wash was half as bright again as the 700 wash, however the beam characteritics are quite different between the two units and even changing the sort of lens you have on a 2k Wash makes quite a differene.


asfaik, MAC 700 washes arn't in production yet (someone feel free to correct me here) and the ones you may have seen on recent Radiohead or Depeche Mode tours are production prototypes.


RHCP's global lighting supplier this time round is Premier Global from the US, although Neg Earth have supplied extra festival lighting kit and the entire festival lighting system for the recent RHCPshow at T in The Park.



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