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Hi Everyone,


I work for the students union of warwick as a trainee Events technition.

I have gained all my experience using the pearl Lighting desk but am now looking for a short, Intermediate course on sound engineering.

After many weeks of looking there don'tseem to be any courses that are suitable for my neededs.

My job involves live performance gigs and most courses are for production.

Does anybody out there have any ideas of a course I could go for.


Try get back if you do


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Loughborough college is offering a course in exactly what you want, with a 3-day BTEC course designed for stage sound engineering, for £375 - not bad for a qualification!


The course is run much like the ABTT courses, in that places 'sponsor' a course at their venue in exchange for free places. Either you could do that or go to one near you - get in contact with them, they are pushing hard to get people more qualified.



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