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New make dimmer -- what company


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I go gig last month at Paris to see Canadian band, light by English company I think name ELS lighting. After I see all equipment and see dimmer. Dimmer in flight case look top and back like exact AVO 48. No printed write on any surface. Speak to lighting tech and he say new sinewave dimmer 48 way but not say who make it but not AVO they test it. They run it ethernet but and DMX sockets. Front have big LCD but not like AVO.

Anybody know who make it as lighting tech say it will be very good price.


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  • 1 month later...
It is made by strand. I believe this is what you mean. Link


The dimmer like Avo but with color LCD touch screen like MA console, maybe 25cms big. LCD show all info on dimmer and can be touch faders.


Not be able to go PLASA if anybody see this dimmer please post whoi make it.


Dimmer I see is 48 channel with patch like AVO rack with clour LCD touch screen on front. All channels sine wave dimmer and price will be same as good SCR dimmer. All sine wave diommers I look at are about 5000 euro for 12 channel not about 2500 euro.


thank you



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Are you sure its not one of LSC or Jands' touring dimmers?


They have a similar style to the much loved Avo racks - similar hot-patch arrangement etc, but also contain some more high spec management tools and control interfaces.


Also, are you sure it wasnt the newer avo ART2000 touring dimmers which look similar to the old racks but have a new LCD control interface.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know sine dimmer makers, Strand, ETC, IES, AVAB, Swisson, Bytecraft. This dimmer I not know. Does any one see at PLASA. Not see any other dimmer 250mm touch color LCD on front for control.


The Rack I see has no words on it, no number on socapex or patch. It is prototype. Lighting Tech say company is from English and price is very good same as good SCR dimmer.


In France many TV company from next year no use company for external lighting that not have sine dimmer, sine dimmer make no electrical noise. Company I work for need buy 240 circuits sine dimmer so looking for best cost system.


Any information help me greatly.



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Lighting Tech say company is from English and price is very good same as good SCR dimmer.
Can't be - even if you ignore the R&D costs, triacs/SCRs are much cheaper than any other power silicon so you can't physically make a sinewave dimmer for the same money as an SCR.

The guy must have been kidding you about the price.


As to the brand - if it's a prototype, it could be anything.

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  • 1 month later...

In France I buy scr dimmer 12 channel rack for 2500 euro for best manufacture, I buy triac for 800 euro cheap maufacturer China. The price is 3 multiple cheap for best. All sine dimmer expensive, new manufacture will enter sales at better price. Most theatre sine dimmer work out 6000 to 9000 euro 12 channels, cheapest I find 5000 euro.


I ask again have anybody seen prototype dimmer I see in Paris or know company that make it, or if it now for sale. When I see it LD say it will sell for 2500 to 3000 euro.



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Maybe if you could let us know which band was using them in which venue and when? That would narrow down the field a bit and I am sure the Blueroom Brotherhood will be able to hunt down what they were.

But if it was a prototype, it may be a while before you can purchase them....

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I think it sounds like the MA Lighting Dim MA.


Otherwise, to be honest I think theres 100s of dimmers out there that look sort of like and Art 2000. Theres the ADB ones, AVO, Dim MA and not to mention the huge quantity of custom made dimemr racks people make themselves with a Weiland patch system.

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