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Calamity jane lighting

James Chillman

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ok I will take that into consideration the main issue I have at the moment is a lack of a follow spot operator after the last one walking out in the show.** laughs out loud **. so would a moving yoke light be suitable? and operate it of a frog?Would this cost much more than a Follow spot to hire (bearing in mind we would have to hire the frog if we get the moving yoke)
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What do you mean that a minimac is no bright!!! The bulb may be low wattage but in a school they are plenty powerful they may not be bright for a theatre but for a school hall they are fine. My school's hall is massive and we can light half they hall with a 150watt minimac. It have a discharge bulb gives it a light output far greater than a bog standard halogen 150watt bulb.
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Light half of the hall with a Minimac?! What lens have you got in it?! :(


Any discharge source by it's nature gives more light than an equal tungsten-halogen source - I use the simple x4 formula to get a rough equiv - so in other words a 150w discharge source is roughly equal to 600w tungsten...



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I think you should make sure you have a a good few washes before you go hiring in minimac's ok moving light are great and can make things feel magical but get the basic's right first becouse it's just plane stupied think it through do you want to see face's or just a gobo on the floor plus it will just be the mac standard gobo's somthing you would use in a rave not "Calamity Jane" look in to cleaver BACK LIGHT and if you still have this "urge" to hire somthing theres things I would put to better use like scrollers or FX projecters of the sky somthing cleaver and remember it's not "top of the pops".
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For colour washing which can be done with the profiles so that you cna use the gobos aswell. But if you want just colour washing hire the minimc wash version.

A mini mac wash couldn't wash it's self and even if you got 20 of them you would be washing the stage in disco colours this also applys to the mini mac profile

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I cannot agree more. Concentrate on your 'proper' washes first - 4 Mac 500s aren't going to a gobo wash a stage, and neither are 2 Mac 300s going to wash a stage.


Build up a palette of decent washes, say 3 colours, tints (straw, CTC blue etc) and gobo before you even think of spending a ?0.02 on a mover (or 10!).


And when using movers, try and make their use worthwhile and with a point to it.


Otherwise you may as well pay yourself more ;)



PS. Mind you first thing I'd do if I had some Movers for a theatre show is actually put some decent breakup gobos in them! :** laughs out loud **:

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Calamity Jane I have lite this show a couple of times now. Its not really a moving light show. Now is it ? I would have to say get your self some a good 3 colour wash, some side light a bit of back lite and if you got a cyc some nice sky colours oh and some western fluffy clouds :** laughs out loud **: Sorted. Bobs yer Uncle and Fannies yer aunt
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Well a couple of ideas that hit me are 4 cell flood bars and groundrows infront of the cyc, so you can either do some colour blends on the cyc, or have nice bold colours.


Then get hold of some DHA clouds gobos (which ever particular ones take your fancy) and place in profiles with good optics (Source Four fixed beams for instance) and slap a bit of CTC blue in (so L201, 202, 203, 218) and place 2 on both ends of the cyc LX bar, and softly, and subtly defocus the clouds gobos on the cyc - then add in the colours (say a nice light blue at top going to deep blue at the bottom, or a nice sunset look), with the gobos and you'll have a pretty nice looking cyc.



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