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Large Scale Projection on to buildings


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Hello All,

Just been asked to provide some numbers for the type of projectors that put a large image on a large building, I always read about them but cant find any of those articles as we speak.


If anyone can help.


Thanks in advance



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I'll be the first one to say it this time.


Try a search!


..which brings up this.


Gee-whiz maybe I should be a mod.




Good luck with it all anyway.


EDIT: It's not as related as previously thought. Ahh well.

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Hi I recently did some building projection using a bodged Epsom projector. it was dirt cheap. it was at night and we had to kill some of the street lights but it worked well.


Time to get the air rifle out then :stagecrew:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,



We recently did an installation with 3 x 30m wide images projected onto a towerblock. We had two 18k Barco projectors for two of the images but to come in on budget we stacked two 10k Sanyo XF45s for the other image where there were less issues with keystoning. After a bit of setting up the brightness and image quality was comparable to the Barcos (and the Projectors far more reliable!) and the two XF35s were a fraction of the cost. You can purchase XF45s for around £9,000. hire for around £500per day. Barcos are more like £3000 per day and £70k odd to buy!


When you are projecting on wrapped buildings or the building's surface texture I don't think you need the best resolution and contrast as there are so many other factors.


QED use a lot of stacked XF45s and they get away with it.


my tupence worth.


Cheers Rod - Blackout Arts

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