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Hi Guys,


Here is one to really really take you back, does anyone know if any rental companies in the Uk or Europe still have Telescans in there stock


This is a bit of a long shot but always worth a go!!


And before you ask, yes we have suggested alternative moving mirror fixtures, but the client is adament that they want Telescans!!


Get those thinking caps on!




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Weren't they used on Starlight Express :(


Know RUG (Really Useful Group) aren't a rental shop, but maybe try someone there about your request?? Never know, they might have some lying around somewhere, someplace.


I know you've put in your original post that you've suggested other moving mirror fixtures, but just out of personal curiosity.. Why do they want them? To the best of my knowledge they don't really bring anything to a production other that grief for the poor sparkies who have to run them!



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Hi Guys,


Thanks for the response. As far as we can tell they want them becasue you have the ability to slide projection glass into them, un-like other fixtures where it would have to be some sort of custom glass gobo.


I think they want that look that was seen when they were used on Pink Floyd in the 80's (???), if it wasn't for the projection thing, there are many alternatives, but they are adamant they want Telescans


I reckon cameleon in Paris might have some, but I can't find the contact details anywhere!! anyone got any ideas!!




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