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Nexo system with Funktion one subs


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Hey I have to install a system for a dance club consisting of 4 Nexo's PS15's with it's processor and a LG amp + a couple of Infra Bass from Funktion One ( with it's processor and a MC2 amp). I finished the agreement last night so there is no time to buy new subs from nexo so I have to use it for at least 2 months on this way. Do you guys think that I can work? Or is it just too nasty to be mixed this way?


I appreciate your help.

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There should be no problem once the crossover points are relative. The function one bins will have plenty of bang for you.

just checked nexo specs. I would crossover around the 150hz area for a tight kick keeping the mid hi still warm . (personally)

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Can I pick up on another point? (to do with the PS15s)


Not long ago, on here, there was THIS post from a topic all about Nexo systems.

Now, I'm not a user of them, but since you mentioned four of the tops, I thought I'd mention it.


So it begs the question from me: will you be having them 2 per side arrayed? or in a different configuration?


(Sorry to bring up an old topic).


I shall not comment further, as I know nothing about Nexo stuff. (But thought I'd mention previous topics).

Not sure about Funktion one stuff so won't comment at all on that.

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Perfectly valid point Simon,


It would all depend on how these were arrayed (or rathe, not array but placed).


It would be nice to crossover that high but I'm with you on that one, the subs wouldn't be too great up there.



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The Funktion1 site quotes the infrabass as going up to 90hz..? They DEF` go down to 30hz very well tho`!


The Nexo site says the Ps15 goes down to 50hz....? ( at what +/- db tho..?)


I personally wouldn`t put the two together, a Funktion 218 would be a better bin to work with a PS15 on top?



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  • 3 weeks later...
The F218 would definitely be a better sub to use. The Infra is basically a bowel shaker. I have tried the PS15 with F218's and I wasn't to happy with the results. However I didn't think much of the LS1200's either. I find PS15's to be a bit bass heavy in themselves causing them to conflict with the subs a bit. Funktion One Res4's with F218's - stunning!
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A certain venue in skegness part of a big holiday park there....... uses PS10's (3 per side arrayed) on top and a single F218 a side. the system sounds awful but I think that may just be the way it is setup. that and the arrayed tops which are NOT arrayable.


Another venue within the complex uses Ch4 tops (skell version of the C4) (6 per side)and F218's 4 per side.

used to be 6 subs per side until they decided that 4 was enough....... it isn't!


Just somethin I rememberes about nexo and f1 combinations.

Its not to say it wont work with a single PS15 a side, but they are not designed to be arrayed.



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Just somethin I rememberes about nexo and f1 combinations.

Its not to say it wont work with a single PS15 a side, but they are not designed to be arrayed.




You are quite right Rob,they are not meant to be arrayed but according to Gary at Fuzion the official Nexo distributor in the UK it is ok to use a pair each side as long as they are splayed at 45degrees.

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A splay angle like that would probably help, but this would also depend on the height of the cabinets, if they are pointed downwards, how far it is to he front and back row etc.


Has to be better than arrayed straight or using the cabinet angle.


The PS10's at skegness are just arrayed to the cab angle, 3 per side.




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The issue with making a horizontal array of Nexo PS series speakers is the different horizontal coverage depending on where in the vertical coverage you are. At the top of the coverage pattern the horizontal coverage is 50 degrees, at the bottom it is 100 degrees. If you splay 45 degrees you are pretty good at the top of the pattern, but have 55 degrees of overlap and the attendant comb filtering at the bottom of the pattern.



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