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Virtual PC -lightjogkey


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There's no reason why not, VirtualPC provide detailed specs of the hardware it's emulating if you need to double check (as VirtualPC literally emulates an entire Windows PC you can just compare the requirements for light jockey with what VirtualPC is emulating), however you may have some issues with latency and/or speed depending on how old your laptop is. Also, the odd piece of software won't work with VirtualPC because it uses an extremely odd or undocumented feature of Windows. It's really a matter of trying it, I'm afraid.


The best solution (speed wise) is to use boot camp on an Intel Mac, but if you're using a PowerPC system that's not really an option. If you're on an Intel Mac and want to emulate, Parallel's Desktop is the package to use (VirtualPC doesn't work on the Intel Macs).

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Virtual PC is great, but fairly slow. I use a 17" G4 Powerbook, only a year old and I find there is a serious latency problem. I once attempted to use SFX (the programme) and would never consider it again.


As a regular user of Light Jockey I would say unless you have an uber fast Mac (maybe the new MacBookPro/G5) then forget it. Probably better to buy a cheap Windows based laptop and run it from there.


Also I'm not quite sure how the Mac would react to the USB-DMX converter, I have tried using USB/Fire-Wire devices via Virtual PC with little success.


HTH, sorry to be negative, but thats my findings and opinion!



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Yeah to be honest for that kinda stuff I would stay well clean of Virtual PC. Running through virtual pc and outputting through ports on the machine can be funny, and it will be dog slow even on a fast machine. Get a cheap Windows Laptop, or if u have a new Mac machine, try finding out about dual boot with Windows, it can be done, that would be another option.



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