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Box office


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OK first things first, I have had a look on the forum and google and I have no idea what to look for.


what I am after is software that will tell us how many tickets we have reserved how many we have sold


also something that will print tickets for us .


(I have looked I'm just not sure I am looking for the right things )


we know where to find everything else just those things are a real pain and started to do my head in.


Thanks in advance



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Depends totaly on you budget and requirements, but 'most' places I know use either Databox or PASS (depending on size).


For a small event, a simle spreadsheetor database will do the job!


There is also...


Tickets.com - www.tickets.com

PASS, DataBox, eBoxOffice


Galathea STS - www.galatheasts.com



Hoge 100 Business Systems - www.hoge100.co.uk

Stadium, StageIT


Nortech Software - www.ticketprinting.co.uk

Box Office 400


TOR Systems - www.torsystems.co.uk




Hope this helps



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What is your budget? What sort of venue? What sort of ticketing system/how complex a system do you want? Are you going to print out the tickets on normal paper and cut them out or do you have ticket stock? Are you after a multi thousand dollar system where the ushers have data terminals and scan the tickets? Are you going to mail the tickets out? Do you want online booking?


You may want to look at phpMyTicket or CenterStage's winTix if you are after free - however I do not really recommend these packages.


If you are looking at spending a bit more, have a look at BoxOffice or Etubos

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Is it a single venue; what is the budget (setup & ongoing); do you need online sales; how many box office terminals/printers etc.; credit card handling built in??


For online sales, you really need to let people be able to choose their seat. As far as I can see the databox/tickets.com solution doesn't allow this.

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I tend to just tend to make up my own access database if its a small scale project.


Managed to use it for over 1000 tickets before with no problems, it just requires a bit of careful planning beforehand.

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