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SGM Giotto 400CMY


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Hello everybody


Please help me

For the past years I´v been using MAC500, and now I have to make a big change in purchasing SGM Giotto 400 CMY at great conditions, but I have not had till now any reliable and independent information on these lights.

Can any one give his/hers opinion. And experience?


Thank you for your help!






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Dear Carlos


We have been using the SGM 400 CMY for a few months. So far they are proving to be reliable. Not as popular as we would have thought with theatre users, although TV like them.


Advantages that the CMY offers - in addition to colour mixing - are a zoom going wider than the MAC500, an animation wheel and an excellent frost filter that lets you use the fixture as a wash. So good is the frost, that you can 'reveal' a gobo by starting with the frost fully in, and by taking it out slowly the gobo emerges.


Its very, very quiet!



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Hi carlos,


I am using the giotto spot 400 at the moment,

they are behaving nicely, I think they are about 2 years old (I rented them so I don't know ecactly)

one is giving a little problem with a noise while zooming fast.

and I have to phisically adjust them still (turning all the screws again and stuff)


keep me posted with your experience.





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I used the wash 400 version about 3 years ago, and I found them to be lovely lights, fairly noisy when moving at full speed, but nearly silent when moving slowly.


one thing to take care over, is when using them with a fairly short throw, the leading edge of the colour frames are visible as distinct triangles in the beam.

but then again, this was with a throw no more than eight meters. so with some throw that's reasonable, then it's likely to be fine.


the beam variation is superb, and I was able to get a fairly hard edge on it if I took the time - not quite profile edged, but you cant expect it of a wash fixture. speed of movement while keeping a reasonably quiet noise level was perfectly usable, and the internal fan noise is fairly low level too.

in short, I'm fond of them, but they need a decent throw to make the cmy aspect truly seamless




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The SGM400 CMY is one of my favourite fixtures, it has some truly impressive qualities and considering it's price its a mystery to me why more LD's don't use them.


As to reliability I have had 48 units out for just over a year. they have travelled worldwide, by air/sea and road. they have been Amptown SIP Flightcased for major freighting but have lived on sticks of truss on dollies for day to day transport. They have done shows in conditions ranging from - 30 degrees C to outdoor shows in 120 degree heat and dust storms, they have been hung outside on UK stadium stages with water running through them, and done in total around 200 Days/ shows.


They have obviously needed some TLC but compared to other fixtures I have used they have been amazing. I think we have only truly broken 2. any other faults have been simple on site repairs. I would recommend them to anyone.


They are no comparison to a Mac500, In My opinion they are far better than a Mac2000, (the Mac seems brighter in Open white but the SGM due to a much higher colour temp seem much brighter in saturated colours.) The SGM is quick at every function, and has outstanding optics.


Try and spot difference between SGM400CMY and VL3000 Spot in this photo..




The Lav Breakup Gobo from air units are SGM's and from the Floor are VL3000's

And in the follwing photo the units in groups of 3 pointing up and out are SGM's while the units pointing down are VL3000's



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