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Ideal venue for a mini line array?


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I know whenever a "cool" technology comes along there is a desire to use it for everything so I just thought I would check with you my learned colleuages that I'm not suffering from cool-itus and get your opinions.


We are electrovoice dealers mainly in the pub/nightclub arena and that is what we will normally install, however we have a small bar/club wanting a quote that are in an railway arch, would a mini line-array help in what may amount to a tunnell (I havn't visted the venue but want to go in clue'd up).


If it would be a good solution, if so, does anyone have any pratical experience with mini arrays they could share?

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This all depends on the size of the bar surely? And the shape...


I dont think I would ever put a line array in a bar...but hey I am not particularly a noise boy! Would speakers around the room not be far more effective and suitable?

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every venue is different. and I dont mean in the most obvious ways.


Even the mini line arrays are very high powered systems designed to cover a few hundred people. they are used where an even coverage is required over a distance. If we are only talking a small bar then I would not see how the coverage benefits of a line array would be necessary. Speakers flown high in the air would suffice. Depending on the width of the bar would depend on the type of speaker and IF they are arrayable, how many.


Remember, dont use 2 where 1 will do.

When you HAVE visited the building, people here may be able to give a bit more advice if you can give some dimensions or even a drawing of the building.




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From your post I wouldn't have thought a line array would be appropriate since you stated a tunnel/railway bridge which would be pretty narrow, line arrays generally have a wide coverage so half of the sound would be aiming and the walls and perhaps cause horrid reverb etc. In your situation I would perhaps have multiple speakers aiming at the audience as far away from the walls as possible. Since im not terribly clued up on line arrays I could only take an educated guess.
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My understanding of the whole point of line arrays was that they had a particularly narrow coverage.
While there are a couple of line array speakers with a horizontal coverage pattern less than 90deg, most are 90deg or greater. The QSC Wideline is 140deg horizontal coverage. Depending on the vertical length of the array they can have narrow, and controlled, vertical coverage. In arrays with enough elements a "J" type array can allow for more even coverage from front to back.



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